Homeschool Programs


In 2025, Tower Grove Park is excited to offer monthly educational programs for homeschool students and families focused on both natural and cultural history. Programs are offered on the first Monday of each month from 10-11am and are limited to 25 youth participants and their parents or guardians. Registration is required for each program and will open one month in advance.

Program Schedule: Spring 2025

Schedule is subject to change.

Monday, March 3: “Spring To Life”

This program will discuss how plants, animals, and other wildlife “spring to life” after a winter of dormancy and scarcity to make the most of spring and summer.

Registration Opens: February 3

Monday, April 7: “A Great Migration”

This program will discuss why many birds migrate and how they can accomplish such a long journey. Also join us in birdwatching to see what birds we can find returning from their winter homes.

Registration Opens: March 7

Monday, May 5: “Pollinator Power”

Most plants rely on certain animals to help them reproduce; we call them pollinators. Join us to learn about pollination, pollinating animals, and help us find some common pollinators at Tower Grove Park.

Registration Opens: April 5

For any questions, please contact the Education Program Coordinator at


Interested in other educational programs at Tower Grove Park? Please view our Spring & Summer 2025 Field Trips and Programs Brochure below for more program offerings.

Brochure will be available in January 2025. Please check back later!